Monday, March 30, 2015

Diversity instead of disability

The more I read about inclusive design, universal design, accessibility etc, I realize that we focus too much on peoples cognitive or motoric functionality, rather than the overall situation, the surrounding culture, expectations that may cause diversity, affect cognition and motoric possibilities etc.

 Also, I don't understand the difference between funktionnedsättning eller funktionshinder. To me they sound equally negative. I prefer funktionsvariation (functional variations), but that limits the understanding as belonging to the person instead of a situation.

I think it is the overall situations we need to address and understand, rather than people's cognitive and physical abilities.

For example, people need different solutions in order to feel compentent, be social, and enjoy a situation. Design can be more or less supportive in that. By focusing on understanding use and use situations, rather than people...

7 principles for universal design

Created by  Centre of excellence in Universal design, part of the National Disability authority in Ireland.

7 universal design principles

"Universal Design is the design and composition of an environment so that it can be accessed, understood and used to the greatest extent possible by all people, regardless of their age, size or disability. This includes public places in the built environment such as buildings, streets or spaces that the public have access to; products and services provided in those places; and systems that are available including information and communications technology (ICT).
(Disability Act, 2005)"

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Diversity vs disability

The difference

Book by Scott Page

"Inclusive design teams should be as diverse as possible and include individuals who have a lived experience of the “extreme users” (as coined by Rich Donovan) the designs are intended for."
Rich Donovan

The disability market

Inclusive tools and reflections:

The problem with the universal design term

Article by Idrc

Friday, March 6, 2015

Reframing accesibility

Design for people -  not disabilities!

"We can reframe accessibility in terms of what we provide, not what other people lack. When we treat all of our users as whole people, regardless of their abilities, then we are able to approach accessibility as just another solvable—valuable—technical challenge to overcome."

"Tell me if you’ve heard this one before. A big web design change is about to go through, and someone on your team has just discovered a bug that will cause problems with accessibility. One of the decision-makers in charge of the budget asks, “Well, how important is it? I mean, how many blind people do we have using the site, anyway?”

I'm "not broken" ... "just a different kind of normal"...

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Desinging for elderly...

"...We are more aware than ever that understanding the user experience helps design more usable products. While application in commercial environments can still be a struggle, the idea that user-centered and participatory design can ensure a better end-product-fit continues to gain momentum. Industry acceptance also grows as the concept of strategically involving users within the design process equates to greater adoption and engagement out-of-the-box, and thus results in significant financial savings in development costs."

Article in Uxpamagazine