Monday, September 1, 2014

Teaching styles...

" Discussing: This is the case method of teaching, pioneered by HBS since 1908.  Students are presented with an uncertain business scenario, and spend time discussing possible solutions.  Good for people comfortable with debate and who enjoy it as a learning tool.  Not ideal for less vocal people, or those who enjoy a more practical learning process

Listening: This is the more traditional lecture-based teaching model, where students sit in class and listen to the professor.  It works well for theoretical thinkers and auditory learners, but can spell failure for people who learn by doing or who are easily distracted

Doing: This includes experiential courses, group projects, simulations, and basically any setting where practical hands-on experience (actual or simulated) is used as a teaching tool.  This is ideal for people who learn by doing, or who need to see concepts applied in practice in order to best understand them.  Yet it can be frustrating for people looking for clear concepts to learn and apply."


Apple in the sky

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