Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The relation between practice knowledge and academic knowledge

Today I listened to Ingela Josefson (Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts) describing philosphy of knowing. She discussed our relation to knowledge, and the history of separation beween theoretical knowledge and practice knowledge. Absolutely lovely seminar. Highlighting the importance of practice knowledge in academia.

Yesterday I visited the "Interaction and service design research group" (IxS) at Linköping University. I held a seminar about my current research and research environment, and presented a case describing how some industrial design practioners were working in a service design project.

We had a long discussion on blueprints and customer journeys. Apparently, many service designers are finding their own ways of representing different aspects of services, and create different visualizations that fit their needs in a given situation. The intereseting point here is what kind of knowledge that research should contribute to here?  The practitioners are creating their own tools.

What is the role for academic knowledge? Who creates the knowledge and for which reasons?

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